Darjeeling Line - Trains , Bo Justusson
Trains Locos are 2-axis steam engines. They use adhesion only and with grades up to 5 per cent, sand is frequently used.
type B

Loco of B class, 0-4-0 type, weight 14 tons. It can manage 4 per cent grades with a load of 50 tons.

The B class locos are still in use, together with two diesel engines.

Photo: Indian Information Service, 1950:ies
type A

Loco of A class.
A saddle tank was later added between chimney and dome.
Loco of Garratt type from around 1910.
It was intended for heavy freigth trains, but did not work well in the small radii curves.

Kurseong station at elevation 4,864 feet, where the train stops to debark passengers for a luncheon break.

Photo: N.E.Frontier Railways, 1950:ies

Darjeeling station
Built around 1945 in art-deco style.

Today not so beautiful since one has added several stores to the building.
Photo: N.E. Frontier Railways, 1950:ies.

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Last updated 28 July 2005