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Vintage Flights in Simulators

- If you want something more hands-on than:

jet engines, high-altitude routes, autopilot, GPS-navigation, ILS-landings, FMC-planning, PFD, EICAS, RMU, MFD,.. • glass cockpit
- then try vintage flying! Look at our suggestions and then download vintage sim-data. - New 2019 -

  - click for larger images -

1. Study of Old Airplanes

• Vintage Aircrafts in MSFS  Ny 17 nov 2021!
• Vintage Aircrafts in Flight Sims
DC-3, Junkers Ju-52,... Complex cockpits!

Or charming Junkers F13, with basic instruments and NDB-radio - for old-time navigation!

2. Recreate Famous Flights

• Leif Ohlson WW2 DC-3 flights in XP11
- with historical facts, old airfields for XP11, and Swedish textures for DC-3.

• Old airports in S Scandinavia, 1930s
Sceneries, Leif O. - Maps & facts, Bo Ju.
Torslanda, Bulltofta, Jönköping city, Fornebu, Kastrup, Bromma, Kungsängen.

3. Old-time Navigation - Light Beacons

• Fly Old Night Mail Routes, downloads
with light and NDB beacons in S Scandinavia, XP11
• Maps for planning

- NDB Radio Beacons, Homing, ADF


4. Soaring in Sailplanes

Fly over beautiful landscapes - very relaxing!
I like aerofly fs 2 and Switzerland.
• my AFSS2 general intro, GT

X-Plane 11 is good for soaring, too.

More advanced: Ridge and thermal soaring with
• Condor 2, a specialized soaring sim.

5. Combat Sims - World War 1 & 2

They give you both history and adventure!

WW1: "Rise of Flight" - dog fights between
Sopwith Camel, Fokker Triplane, and others.

WW2: "IL-2 Sturmovik 1946" or advanced
  "War Thunder" - Spitfire, Me-109, and others.

WW2, Cold War: DCS World - Digital Combat Sim.

Cheap base versions at • Steam,
  addon aircrafts & areas. - IL-2 has new ver.

Page updated: 2019-10-06, Bo Justussson, Stockholm
Contact: justusXownit.nu - switch X to @